Bandung Smart Cities: The Unique Case of the Livable and Lovable City

Bandung smart cities

Realizing that about 83% of the total population will live in urban areas by 2045, Indonesia launched an ambitious program called “100 Smart Cities Movement” in 2017. With this program, the country aims to develop 100 smart cities by 2045. Among the pioneers are Bandung smart cities.

A Pioneer of Indonesia’s Smart Cities

There are two pioneers of Indonesia’s smart cities: Bandung and Jakarta. Although both cities are set to be smart city, the two has different approaches to reach the goals.

In the Jakarta case, the highest engagement in collaboration is between the government and national start-ups. In the Bandung case, all main stakeholders are involved in the development of the smart city

Bandung smart cities campaign slogan is the “Livable and Lovable City”. The city upholds this slogan by using a model based on equal collaboration between the city’s main stakeholders (the government, the academia, local businesses, the community at large, and the media).

With this system, the stakeholders work together to implement a smart city concept, positioning the city as not only a creative hub for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) but also an incubator for budding start-ups.

The collaboration model to realize Bandung smart cities Indonesia involves working with academics as well as start-ups to utilize technology properly, allowing Bandung to build a centralized command center that can monitor city-wide operations.

The Six Pillars of Smart Cities

To realize the “100 Smart Cities Movement”, the Indonesian government laid down a carefully designed roadmap that highlights six main pillars for local governments as well as potential collaborators to focus on.

Smart governance

The main objective of smart governance is the full transition to e-governance. Currently, smart cities across Indonesia are utilizing mobile platforms and apps for everyday government appointments and transactions. In Bandung’s case, there is also a command center that monitors city-wide operations.

Smart people

For the initiatives to succeed, the population needs to be tech-literate. To meet this objective, various online learning programs as well as software have been introduced by educational institutions and start-ups.

Smart infrastructure and mobility

The development of Bandung smart cities technology requires developing secure, IT-based systems and networks.

Smart economy

Smart cities, including Bandung, rely on attracting MSMEs to make the area their home. MSMEs also play an important role in building a city’s identity, creative branding, and entrepreneurship programs, among others.

Smart living

Smart living entails building a more connected community with solutions for e-learning, tech-forward homes, as well as telemedicine.

Smart environment

A smart city also requires a smart environment in which IT-based environmental services, renewable energy resources, and solar-powered infrastructure fuel the city’s growth.

Economic Recovery via Bandung Smart Cities

The COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacts the economy of the world, including Indonesia. However, the development of smart cities is expected to help the country’s economic recovery.

Bandung recovery economy Indonesia can be accomplished in two ways. First, as more and more Bandung citizens engage and are active digitally, this helps the trend of e-commerce growth to continue.

Second, smart city technology provides business opportunities for MSMEs, thus helping the economy to bounce back.

To become a smart city, Bandung uses a system in which stakeholders are working together to make Bandung smart cities a reality. The city in many ways laid the groundwork for the “100 Smart Cities Movement” program that is being implemented today.

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